Meet Our Curators

Tuesdays 7pm/8pm

Watching a movie in a theater is both a privilege and a pleasure. Alex really hasn’t thought to define it any more than that, and why should they, when Nicole Kidman did it perfectly?

Tuesdays at The Station are a tour through world cinema, exploring the best that everything outside of Hollywood has to offer—with your pal, Al.

For fans of: Subtitles

Most recent flicks: Desert Hearts, First Cow, La Haine


Wednesdays 7pm

Raised by a Rottweiler and public access television—Juliet of the Spirits was the first art film they copied onto a vhs tape during a free cable trial period. 

Labor Songs is a sloppy ode to the devotional in filmmaking and the force of life in storytelling. The physical and emotional experience inherent in the creation of—and observation of—the film. 

For fans of: Perseverance, wednesday nights, living outside society’s shit, feeling strongly about poetry, a less anthropocentric world, community, looking at discarded items along roadways, laughing at dirty jokes But also: queer camp, truth to power, animation, art and ecology documentaries, memoir and personal stories, films written and directed by women, and masculine drama

Previous screenings: Santa Sangre, In A Dream, D.E.B.S., Shortbus, Bam Bam & Celeste, Ma Vie En Rose, Drop Dead Fred, Demon Knight, Pee Wee’s Big Adventure, The Wild Parrots of Telegraph Hill


Saturdays 1pm

Daniel’s job at IFS is to show up at 1pm to play movies on Saturday. This is a sometimes daunting task because Daniel likes to drink a lot on Friday. In fact, it’s so daunting a task for Daniel, who likes to drink a lot on Fridays, that we moved the slot up one hour, to 1pm. 

Hangover Matinees leaves the viewer at the whim of Daniel’s hangover. Oftentimes he takes it easy, and keeps things tight and fun, akin to Saturday morning cartoons. However sometimes, he drinks a little extra, and decides to punish himself with something arduous and difficult. It’s really a coin toss. Movies rule though. 

For Fans of: Cartoons, love, violence, the 80s, light punishment

Recent Screenings: As Tears Go By, Brazil, The Cook, The Thief, His Wife & Her Lover, The Long Goodbye, The Daytripper


Sundays 7:30pm

Grace is a Peruvian born, American raised multi-faceted creative. She grew up watching TNT’s MonsterVision with Joe Bob Briggs, reading Archie Comics, watching movies on tape, and obsessing over fashion. Grace knows the impact film can have on lonely multiracial misrepresented youth and has used that exact void to find her own place, her own way, falling in love with a genre that never included her. She is a writer, published film journalist, analog mixtape maker, and maintains the blog Horror Fashion Review ~ a place where she can weave nonfiction elements into her reviews. A self-proclaimed collector of “Girl Horror '' on VHS, Grace curates films at IFS every Sunday night @ 7:30pm ~ showing a collection of B-horror, 80s teen dream & SOV films, almost exclusively on VHS. 

For fans of: Sleepovers, things that are imperfect, being overly-dramatic, Drive-In summers, nudity, fashion, lip gloss, babes doing whatever they want, and those who miss the mom & pop video store.

Recent ScreeningsHeathers, Modern Girls, Playmate Playoffs, Heavenly Bodies, Frankenhooker


Saturdays 7pm

Saturday nights at IFS are for movies that rethink and expand the perceived limits. For lovers of old Hollywood, genre pictures, and the human condition.

Recent Screenings: To Live and Die In L.A., Rockers, You Were Never Lovelier, Kung Fu Hustle, Mauvais Sang, The Bravados


Sundays 5pm

A first gen daughter in an immigrant family, Isabel’s choice to delve into creativity her whole life wasn’t a popular move for someone in her position, but she did it anyway. As a self taught graphic designer, self proclaimed film and music aficionado, and chronically sensitive individual, her artistic preferences are mainly rooted in anything that makes you think a lot and feel a lot with a not-so-small appreciation for visual aesthetics. 

Sundays at 5pm are both a time to avoid your Sunday scaries in the escape of a pitch black theater, and watch something that can completely fill your cup as it could break it. Not to worry though - she introduces dark comedies from time to time to cleanse the palette. 

For fans of: Dramas, Dark Comedies

Recent Screenings: Lars and the Real Girl, Promising Young Woman, Hail Caesar


Sundays 12pm

Paige's cinematic journey, fueled by a later-in-life 'great movie catch-up', has found its home with the Idaho Film Society in Boise, marking her third role in nurturing film communities through non-profit ventures. Sundays are sacred at 'Movie Church,' a concept inspired by Greta Gerwig, where Paige waxes poetic about overlooked classics and cult favorites alike.

For fans of: Nostalgic hits that make you miss dial-up, films where women get to be weird, horror that won’t give you too many nightmares, and documentaries that'll have you googling "where are they now" for the rest of the night. 

Recent Screenings: 'Death Becomes Her,' 'Do the Right Thing,' 'Parenthood’, ‘Barbarella’


Fridays 7pm

At age 6, Stephani was gently placed in front of a paused TV while deep in slumber. Her sisters woke her up by starting Pet Sematary just as Zelda’s twisted neck snaps around, calling out to Rachel. It was love (and terror) at first sight. From there, Stephani learned everything she knows from a tube TV, vast VHS collection, and Cher Horowitz. 

For fans of: Having friends over for a movie party to watch Hard Ticket to Hawaii and yelling at the screen.

Recent Screenings: The Warriors, Dazed and Confused, The Omen, Con-Air, Valley Girl


Sundays 5pm

One of Harley’s most repeated piece of advice is “you should take yourself to a movie”. An architect by day, she strives to put her remaining energy into (way too many) creative pursuits including learning about and watching movies - The Idaho Film Society is exactly what she’s been waiting for. She is willing to dip into nearly any genre of film, but her love of stand-up comedy and true crime results in her falling for many old and new dark comedies. However, she will never turn away from something ridiculously silly because she mostly loves to laugh. 

For fans of:  Gallows Humor, laughing at inappropriate times, and watching movies before you recommend them to your mother.

Recent Screenings: Villains
